Stream Netz

Money back guarantee within 24 Hours

At Stream Netz we want to ensure that you are satisfied with our service. If you have any technical questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our technical team is here to help you until you can watch TV! However, if you find that the service you purchased does not best fit your needs and you have already attempted to resolve issues with our support team, we would like to make this correct.

Although we would like to hear where things went wrong or how we can improve, follow the steps below to receive a full refund within 24 hours of the purchase date. If the 24 hours have already passed and you have a problem, you can always contact us via our chat on WhatsApp, Telegram or by email to solve your problem.

Steps to request a refund

  • Contact us via WhatsApp or email to request the refund.
    Use the same email address that you used to purchase our Services.
    Add your invoice number.

    After requesting a refund, you will not be able to re-subscribe to our service at any time.

    Please ensure that this refund policy is consistent with your practices and applicable laws. It is important to be transparent and respond to customer inquiries to maintain a positive customer experience.

Reach us on WhatsApp